Today I was informed that the gaming website, GameStop had released their official date for the Zelda Revolution. So we can now pre-order the game. However, I find that this is chilling. A game that we’ve got no information about, a game that we don’t even know will exist, and sites like GameStop are giving estimated release dates to!
The release date is set for the 1st March 2006. That’s before we can expect to even hear about the Revolution for crying out loud! We’ve had loads of Nintendo officials tell us that they do not want to release any new Zelda, and any Revolution details until the end of the fiscal year, which means April to us normal people. So this release date is just simply out of the question.
However, what this release date is doing, even if it was not the original intention of the company GameStop, is making people doubt Nintendo further. Already I’ve been to a forum where people are thinking that Twilight Princess may end up being a Revolution game, regardless of the many statements made previously by Nintendo. This sort of date just puts fears into the Zelda fan, simply because which of us can really afford to buy a Revolution as well as the Zelda game that comes with it, as well as Twilight Princess in the same year? I for one know that at this moment in time, I’ll have to save a lot to do so.
Yet, we can all rest easy when it comes to this. I believe that this date is completely false. It couldn’t get any falser if it tried. The 1st March? I doubt it somewhat.