‘Blog Rules

This post is not directed to all of you. In fact, there are very few people I am talking to. Yet for clarity, I feel the need to address this now.

If you haven’t read the rules of the ‘Blog yet, I suggest you do so. I would specifically like to mention Rules #2 and #3, namely, stay on topic and do not double comment. In short, we do not allow SPAM here. This means do not comment six times in a row in a post. This means do not talk about stuff that has nothing to do with the topic. This means do not post every five minutes just to reply to someone else. I have had to delete my first account today because of a violation of the rules. I do not want to have to do it again.

This isn’t a message board, guys. This isn’t a chat room, either. It is a blog, and there is a difference. I expect you all to treat it that way.

Zelda in Third Place

Today I was looking at Nintendo.com and I came across some interesting sales figures. Zelda is the third best selling franchise in Nintendo’s history! Just ahead of DK, and miles behind Pokémon and Mario. This makes the game an ever more formidable power in Nintendo’s control.

Source: Nintendo [as of Sept 2005]:
Total Mario series: more than 184 million units sold worldwide
Total Zelda series: more than 47 million units worldwide
Total Metroid series: more than 11 million units worldwide
Total Pokémon series: more than 143 million units worldwide
Total Donkey Kong series: more than 44 million units worldwide

Celebrations or commiserations. It’s your call. But I know I’m celebrating.

A Few Quick Notes

First, it’s come to my attention that Zelda Genesis was hacked into this month. Not only that, but the hacker managed to gain access to the webmaster’s E-mail and IM accounts. Also, I’ve heard that an administrator had his account on his forums compromised at The Hylia. I believe that in both cases there was no content was lost and that everything is now under control, which is good. It does, however, serve as a warning for all fans, webmasters especially, to make sure that their passwords are not easily guessable. It’s recommended to have a password of at least 8 characters that includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (provided they’re allowed). It may be a hassle, but it makes good sense.

Second, I’ve set up a mailing list for Zelda Blog. Whenever a new post goes up, you’ll be mailed about it. You don’t even have to be registered at Zelda Blog to sign up! All you need is an E-mail address. Just go ahead and put your E-mail address in in the box on the main page, and then once you confirm your E-mail address, you’ll be receiving our updates.

New Features

[UPDATE: The Live Preview function is back and working this time in all browsers I’ve tested. If you have problems, don’t hesitate to E-mail me.]

A lot of people have complained about the comment system that WordPress has, and I’ve finally had the time to go hunting for mods to the WordPress system to help you all out.

  • There’s now a preview option whenever you write posts, but it’s unlike what you might expect. Just below the comment field, there’s one of our familiar “buffet tables” that will actually display what your post will look like as you type it. I know several people have gotten hit by using emojis using the HTML tag characters < and >, so this will be a good way to double-check that what you have in the box is really what you want.Zelda Smile Emoji
  • There’s also a much easier way to quote other members. Each comment should have an option to [quote] their post. Please do not abuse this by quoting quotes that quote quotes and so forth, because it just takes a button click for me to disable the option.

Anyways, I hope you find these useful!

How’s Our Driving

A question for all of you ‘Blog readers out there. It’s been just shy of a month since Zelda Blog has come about, and we I am looking for a little feedback about how we’re doing. If you have any of the big C’s—comments, concerns, constructive criticisms, complaints, compliments, or questions—let us know so

Welcome to Zelda Blog

Welcome everyone to ZeldaBlog!

Before I point out all of the important stuff, let me take a moment to explain what we are. In the recent months, there have been a lot of problems that have been plaguing the Zelda online community, slowly corroding away the community from the inside. Many of these problems have always been present since the dawn of the community when North Castle was founded in 1997; however, after all this time, the extent of these problems has been brought to centre attention when near a half dozen websites fell due to in-fighting and content theft. It’s been a shame to see much of this come to pass, but though the lesson was learned late, we fully intend to try to work towards making the community a better place.

Enter Zelda Blog. Zelda Blog is a community site designed not only to bring news, opinions, and discussions to the fans of the community but also to help promote unity within the Zelda community, a unity that has recently been lacking amongst sites. I could bore you to death about how we intend to fix that, but I’ll spare you the details and just point you to the link that will explain everything.

As for the grand tour of the site, the rules of the blog tell you all about how to write comments to our discussions and articles as well as how to take our articles here and repost them on your site.

If you have a question or concern, please feel free to contact us about it. Any feedback you have is appreciated.

Last but not please, feel free to check out all of the sites in the site listing. If you’d like to add your site into the listing, feel free to let us know about it.

We hope you have a great time on Zelda Blog!