This post is not directed to all of you. In fact, there are very few people I am talking to. Yet for clarity, I feel the need to address this now.
If you haven’t read the rules of the ‘Blog yet, I suggest you do so. I would specifically like to mention Rules #2 and #3, namely, stay on topic and do not double comment. In short, we do not allow SPAM here. This means do not comment six times in a row in a post. This means do not talk about stuff that has nothing to do with the topic. This means do not post every five minutes just to reply to someone else. I have had to delete my first account today because of a violation of the rules. I do not want to have to do it again.
This isn’t a message board, guys. This isn’t a chat room, either. It is a blog, and there is a difference. I expect you all to treat it that way.